
Entry (1/2)1  fenitra
Part of speech  2  noun
Explanations in Malagasy  3  ny tsorak' ahitra efatra alahatra voalohany, atao mitanam-bokovoko, dia ireo no fototra anombenana ny rary amin' ilay harona na sobika atao [1.10#F.447]
4  Ireo soritra amin' ny rary mifanipaka, izay toa mahavita sary [1.1]
Explanations in English  5  four strips of rush placed diagonally at the bottom of a basket, etc., extending from corner to corner, and forming a foundation on which the basket is plaited [1.2]
Explanations in French  6  raies des nattes dirigées dans un sens différent et formant des dessins [1.3]
Compound words 

Entry (2/2)9  fenitra
Part of speech  10  noun
Explanations in Malagasy  11  fanorenana, fiandohana
12  ny fandimbiasana ara-dalàna tsy miovaova ny taranaky ny mpanjaka teto amin' ny Fanjakana Malagasy izy; koa na ny mpanjaka na ny vahoaka dia samy tsy misy mivadibadika na mikorontana, fa misy fitohizana ara-dalàna hatrany [1.10#F.447]
13  Fomba fanao, indrindra izay mikasika fifandraisan' ny vahoaka sy ny andriamanjaka fahizay: Tsy miova fenitra ny ambanilanitra [1.1]
Explanations in English  14  foundation, origin, first cause, etc.
15  This word is also used to express the continuous succession to the sovereignty of a dynasty, as: Tsy miova fenitra ny ambanilanitra (The people have no change in the succession) [1.2]
Explanations in French  16  coutume, usage
17  ce qui s'est fait dans les temps passés de peuple à souverain et de souverain à peuple [1.3]
Examples  18  Koa samia mitandrina ianareo mba tsy hanova fenitra izao tany ipetrahanareo izao. [2.508]
19  tsy maintsy mitovy ny fenitra andanian' ny Antenimiera roa tonta ny lalàna fehizoro mikasika ny Antenimierandoholona. [1.320]
Compound words 
Proverbs  22  Proverbs containing the word fenitra

Anagrams  23  fenitra, fitrena

Updated on 2023/06/14